Vacation Rental Blogging 101

Posted by on November 19, 2011

Everybody’s blogging these days – and for good reason. We’ve discovered that blogging is an excellent way to create fresh content for websites and social media. It helps businesses connect with their customers and drives traffic to websites. Regular blogging will position you and your company as an expert resource and keep you in tune with your industry.

Here are a few tips for new bloggers:

1. Write about current events, popular activities, local history, special places, anything you want really.
2. Include local trending topics like skiing, cycling, fishing, festivals, things that visitors are searching for.
3. Post weekly – 250 to 400 words.
4. Use a keyword tool – include keywords in your story.
5. Include lots of photos and videos.
6. Always link back to your website.
7. Post blogs on social media and start a conversation.
8. Read other blogs.

It takes time, but writing does get easier. When I started blogging I agonized about it. It took a while for me to find my “voice” and grasp the basics of writing. I learned from online tutorials and reading other blogs. But nothing teaches you how to write like writing, just do it!

Keep a notepad and pen handy in case a story idea hits you while you’re driving or watching TV. If you blank on a topic read the local newspaper or search for a related blog and sooner or later the ideas will start flowing. Try to write every day – even if it’s just a few sentences. If you’re still struggling do something else for a while or take a walk to clear your head and try again later.

Blogging is a lot like exercise – you just have to keep doing it – even though you may not see immediate results. If you keep at it and do your homework you’ll soon be tracking reservations back to your blog posts and ranking higher in search engine results.

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